Tuesday, April 23, 2013

between hopeful and hopeless

late night post about some musical influences bc i can't sleep, but i am in fact horribly tired and incapable of doing something more productive with my unfortunate bout of insomnia time.

carried away - passion pit
still not over how much i love
1)this song
"i get carried away, carried away from you, and I'm hoping and I'm praying, cause i'm sorry, sorry about that, sorry about things that I said, always let it get to my head..."
2)this video

i think ur a contra - vampire weekend
i've quoted this briefly on my blog before. mostly because it's an all time fav, and it's constantly popping back into my head.
"Never pick sides, never choose between two.
But I just wanted to you,
I just wanted you."

winter is coming - radical face
winter isn't actually coming...bad timing on my part.
radical face was a big influence in a lot of my dumb sketchbook nothings and a few prints from 2010
"Everything we stole, everything we broke,
Everything we bought is gone
A couple dumb mistakes, bigger than we thought,
Nothing to left to do but run
If I could put it back, fill in all the cracks,
Nothing there I wouldn't change

But wishing never helps, wishing never helps,
Wishing never solved a thing"

inches and falling - the format

this, for me, is a classic. i'd quote the whole thing bc it's probably 80% true to how i feel and 100% well put: the ups, the downs, the loss of hope, the renewal of hope...all to a completely 2000s-ish punk beat, hahahah

"we'll take our chances! we'll last a month...we'll never speak again. how i love being in love...
"you don't need him, you need to be seen. so someone else can treat you wrong, so you, my love, can sing this song: i love love, i love being in love, i don't care what it does to me...
"we'll take our chances! we'll rise above! we'll last until the end! how, i love how, i love how, i love being in love!"
