Wednesday, December 16, 2009

2D Final Project

- These are all on 24X36 masonite panels.

I love these. Unfortunately madame teacher didn't feel the same.
Rubbish indeed.
Yesterday I was pretty bitter about it...I bought ALL this junk food and ate SO much and felt SO sick.
But now I'm over it. :) "Keep Moving Forward"

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Drawing Final Project

So I posted these in order from when I did them. The ones of Lori aren't finished because I've decided to start a third one of her - just not for the final which is tomorrow. The first two were more expiremental...I was just trying to figure out what worked and what didn' a lot of it is what didn't work.

These are small, I can't remember the demensions exactly, but there less than 11X15 for sure. Micron Pen and Ink on Stonehenge

Hannah's turned out to be the best in my opinion. Especially because it actually looks like her.

Emily's eyes are just weird. One is huge, one looks evil. Idk. but besides that I think it turned out alright.

As for my self portrait? Weird things were happening in this as well. the lips, the hair especially and everything under the chin. The pictures I used for reference were a bit difficult to work with seeing as half of the stuff I drew, you couldn't see in the photographs. Oh well...

Hurray for the end of the semester! 2d Final will be posted soon.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Two More

black & white

Color! I had a limited selection of colors, but I think it may have worked in my favor.
the end.

Monday, November 30, 2009

On the Steps of a Mayan Temple

...They will Crown us King and Queen.

This is a side project that I'm currently working on. It is about ten times more exciting than actually working on my Final Projects. If you can name the song+artist it's referencing you'll get points.

Until next time. ;)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Project Proposals for 2D Design and Drawing

Drawing Final Project - The Women:

So I'm doing four b&w portraits on 11X15ish sheets of paper of the girls I live with aka my besties! haha ;)

I can't take quality pictures, and my roommates struggle to sit still very long. ;) So here are my reference photos. The idea right now is doing base values with ink, and then going over it with micron pens. Well have to see how well ink takes to the stonehenge.

and then it has to be approved by madame instructor.

Hanney boo.



this girl just showed up, and wanted her picture taken.
what a weirdo.

2d Desgin final Project

This one is a bit complicated.
I made a group on facebook and had a bunch of people send me excerpts of old journal entires, or cheesy poems they wrote in high school, stuff like that. And then I gesso-ed 3 masonite panels (24X36). I'm currently working on the second layer...transfering the text that was sent to me onto the panels. It's tedious...first I gathered all the text, applied different fonts/sizes, and inverted it so I get the mirror image. I printed all the pages, took them to a xerox machine and made bigger copies of the text on 11 X 14 sheets of paper. Then I used wintergreen oil to get the xerox ink off the paper and onto the surface off the panel. viola! transfered text that you can read. (for the most part, though the text isn't going to be the focal point). After that, I'll paint some cheesey images of hand holding, leg crossing, and an epic kiss for the last one.
Seeing as this all has happened in my head, I'm not sure what to expect, but we'll see.

I've decided...
I should get extra credit since I'm working twice as hard as anyone else probably is.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Highlights from Drawing Portfolio 2

1 Point Perspective.

Box Still Life.

Cubist "Informed" Drawing 1

Cubist "Informed" Drawing 2

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Highlights from Drawing Portfolio 1

We had a portfolio due a while back and we put everything we worked on, in class, out of class, inside. Most of the stuff wasn't very good, so I didn't bother taking pictures of it. I'll toss it all probably after the semester is over.

Rock Canyon Drawings -
We took pictures at rock canyon and then used to pictures to make these drawings. We had to do two, although I feel like they're pretty similar. I like the first one better.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Trip to Kanosh

I got to work with this guy, all of Friday in his stuido which is this huge building that used to be a dance hall.
Four other students came with, plus my old Figure Drawing instructor Fidalis.
It was definitely a good experience, and I feel like I learned a ton. :D

Brian Kershisnik

Thursday, November 5, 2009

VA112 - Digital Tech

So this class just started on Oct21. It's only half a semester long, but were supposed to learn photoshop, illustrator, and some other stuff I don't remember but this is the stuff from photoshop. We picked an artist out of Michelangelo, Raphael, Da Vinci, and Pontormo. I picked Pontormo because I was less familiar with his art, but its definitely good stuff...a little eerie, but good. We had to pick out a drawing, or a few drawings and make a little 5X5 inch collage thing 'inspired' by the drawigns. I tried to find the ones I used online, but I didn't have any luck. Anyway...I'm not posting everything we did, because most of it I hated (I'm new to the whole digital art thing, and besides that, I'm definitely not familiar with Mac's which is what we use), so I'll just put a few up.

This is the orignal collage that I scanned.
This was supposed to demonstrate value.
And this, rhythm.
I like what I've learned, but I feel like everyone else is already sooooooo much better than me at it. ugh. 'keep moving forward.'

Monday, October 5, 2009

First Week of Drawing

So this is an assignment we did in my drawing class a while back. First we put down a thin layer of black oil paint on a sheet of plexiglass, covered the plexiglass with a sheet of stonehenge, drew a blind contour of wilted sunflowers on the back of the stonehenge, and then the image transfers to the front of the page.
We were trying to get interesting line variations out of it. It was entertaining, but not my favorite thing to do.
Blind contour on the back of a sheet of stonehenge.
Black oil paint on the sheet of plexiglass.
The transfered drawing.
These next ones are just a few that I liked. We had to do this for 3 to 4 hrs as homework, so these are the best of the bunch, in my opinion. The last two have ghost images on them from pressing the paper back down after already using the paint on the glass to transfer an image. There's some nice detail that went through on the last one, especially.
and that's all I've photographed since the beginning of the term. haha. :)

Monday, September 14, 2009


This was a nice break from all the technical stuff i've been having to do these past three weeks.

ah, creative liberties. :)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Conte Crayon

- my new bipolar friend. sometimes it works for me, sometimes it doesn't.

So this is the stuff from my figure drawing class. This is the first formal class I've taken for it, so it's been interesting. some of these were like 30 seconds and the others are around 20 minutes...obvious differences...

Final Animation this is why i didn't get an A in the class. Boo for laziness.

so obviously a lot of frames are missing

and then it sucks even more because I gave up on trying to figure out how to make the hips look like they're coming backwards and forwards along with side to was an issue. and I quit. haha.

Walk Cycle - Winter 09

Flour Sack Winter 09

Bouncing ball - Winter 09

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Experiment

so this is something I did to help out emily for her advertising class. she told me what she wanted in the boxes and asked me to make a story board for her commercial. I've never done one before, so it was an interesting experience. I think it turned out alright. haha.

it's supposed to be a gaterade commercial. the guy pulls off his skin and turns into an athlete while trying to catch a me. it sounded ten times better when emily explained it.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bored and Angsty. Woot.

So, I really like the song Breathe by Taylor Swift because to me it sounds like someone actually had the balls to write a song from the otherside of the fence, ya know? The break-up-er, rather than the break-up-ee. It's refreshing. And so... a tribute. Nothing special, it was designed to be part of my wall of craziness (my wall is covered with pictures, drawings, magazine clippings, whatever can be stuck on it with tape...)

I put all the lyrics of the song on it, that's what all those little lines are.
Haha, it got a little crooked at the end there, but oh well.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Design Markers = Heaven.

So we did a project about every 2 weeks in my drawing for animation class. we got scored 1-10, 10 being the best. There was always a theme that we voted on...and for the record, whatever theme I voted for rarely won. It'll be pretty apparent in some. haha.
So here it is...
Stuff for Joe's class:

I took out Assignments 1,2 and 10 because they were horrific.

Assignment #3 - Charly Harper
So this guy uses simple shapes to draw all sorts of stuff, mostly animals though. It's kind of cool I guess, but I wasn't very good at imitating it.

Theme: Insects
Score: 8

Assignment #4 - Design Principles
So we had to pick a sillouette of whatever we wanted as long as it was iconic and demonstrate 4 design principles.
My four principles - Asymetrical balance, contrast of scale/color, variety, focal point by isolation

Score - 10. the one in the upper right hand corner is kind of washed out, but it was just a really big duck in 10% (contrast with the black).

Assignment #5
This was to work on composition and it was kind of a follow up lesson for the design one.
Theme: Me and My Imaginary Friend. (so 'me' in child form...interesting.)

This is me breaking up with my imaginary friend because I have to go join the real world. Heart breaking isn't it?

Personally, I think his metal arm is the coolest thing. ;)
Score - 9

Assignment #6 - 1 point perspective.
And thus starts the 3 weeks of agony...
Theme: Where to hide a body. (Okay, this was a sweet theme. haha.) Mine focused more on the actually death part...because it's not a very good hiding spot.

So, I always have this weird day dream about being killed in a bathtub. Don't ask, it just happens sometimes. I would not have chosen to draw a toliet in perspective if I could've helped it.

Score - 8

Assignment #7 - 2 point perspective.
So this is kind of my pride and joy of all the things I did in Joe's class.
Theme: enchanted forest structure. (Not so hot on the theme though.)

I guess the only reason its enchanted is because the trees are actually part of the building...that's kinda cool right? haha.

Score - 10

Assignment #8 - 3 point perspective.
Theme: Interstellar Monster Battle...(Yeah, no. Didn't care so much for this one either.)

But yeah, I totally owned on the spaceship part. My alien, not so much.

Score - 8

(there was a #9, I didn't do it. oops!)

And that's it for joe's class... (My midterm and final should be on here somewhere...they were part this.)